While I have met so many people through my travels, social media enables me to maintain relationships with global friends in spite of the distance. The digital age is in full swing and it is about time we come to terms with building authentic online relationships. Acknowledging this is not by any means discrediting the importance of relationship building in real life (IRL); but more about confessing my love for scrolling IG to discover content from brands, family, friends, influencers and celebrities alike.
I didn’t know what to expect that brisk afternoon in December when Shawanda and I jumped offline to meet for lunch along the grey eclipsed Hudson River. “Kiking” over cocktails, our light shined brightly over a dreary winter day. It was great meeting IRL after spending months on Instagram exchanging words of encouragement and connecting on our mutual affinity for all things pink. Shawanda, I am still swooning over your pink Safari hat!
Shoo Cosmetics Founder & CEO, Shawanda Vickers, creating vision board journals with the ladies of the Sisterhood Girls Club Hout Bay in Cape Town, South Africa. (That’s me on the left hanging pics)
When Shawanda suggested that I organize a girls’ trip to Dubai I began to think about how the trip could be used as a platform to shine a celebratory light on sisterhood. And just like that, “Pink Girls Run the World” was born. Knowing Shawanda is knowing how a conversation with her can lead to looking at things on another level. My drive home left me questioning why some women choose to live in the dark ages despite being well into the 21st century. What prompts some of us to dim our light? Is it fear that others may come at us with “do you think you are better than me” or is it the whispering in that “who does she think she is” tone? Online or IRL, people always having something to say has remained a timeless constant in life….so why not live YOUR best one. Turn that light on so others that share your vision can find you.
I am constantly reminding myself that when someone comes to me with an idea, don’t be so quick to dismiss it. Try the steps below to check that the “scripts” your life experiences may have imprinted on you are not blocking your blessings.
Lost files of me dancing with friends in Rome, Italy during my college days (check out the sunnies!)
Ask questions and take time to thoroughly process what’s on the table.
Negativity vs. curiosity? Be up for the challenge when people are digging a little deeper to gain a better understanding. Taking the time to consider their questions may lead to a transitional moment.
Everyone has the right to say no. Not taking it personally is a part of trusting the process.
Understanding that we ALL can win leads to asking the questions that will bring you closer to your goals as well as lead to the discovery of new goals. Spending too much time looking at opportunities suspiciously from a “what are they getting out of it” perspective can result in us losing sight on how through helping someone else we can actually help ourselves.
You never know if your next lunch will be the beginning of a new adventure. Imagine what we could accomplish if we adjusted our mindsets to bring us one step closer to changing the world. Pink skies ahead!
“Give a girl the right pair of shoes and she can conquer the world.” – Marilyn Monroe
Kicking up my heels after a Bush Breakfast and exploring the reserve in South Africa.